In the Name of Love

Number 34

The Worldwide Church of God is now called Grace Communion International and is the Laodicean Church referred to in Revelation 3.

After Mr. Joseph Tkach Sr. became leader of the Worldwide Church of God, one of the main goals of the Church was to be accepted by the churches of the world.

Satan has deceived the whole world through people’s religions. Some religions such as Muslims, Buddhist, and others do not believe in Jesus Christ, the only name by which a person can be saved. The Catholics believe in a mediator other than Jesus Christ. The Protestants believe in eternal life in hell fire, and some believe hell is separation from Jesus Christ. Eternal life does not exist anywhere without Jesus Christ.

The whole world has been deceived.

The Worldwide Church of God wants to be accepted by the churches of the world and will not do or say anything which might offend these churches. The Worldwide Church of God is trying to please both man and God and the Lord will not accept this. This is what ‘lukewarm’ means in Revelation 3 where Jesus is talking to the Laodicean Church.

Our efforts should be to please God only and not worry about what the other churches think or say about us. If we worry about what other churches think about us then our effort to please God becomes divided between man and God and our efforts to please God are now ‘lukewarm.’ Our efforts should be one hundred percent toward pleasing God.

In the name of love the Worldwide Church of God joins with the churches of the world to help mankind and bring people to Jesus Christ. God does not work with Satan and Satan does not work for God in the name of love or anything else. God does not need any help from Satan.

The Lord will save mankind Himself.

A yoke is for two and when you put on Jesus’ yoke it means you walk with Him and work with Him. He is on one side and you are on the other. Jesus Christ will not be yoked with Satan. God is ruler of all and He does not need nor want His Church to team up with Satan and the deceived churches of the world, to do His work.

We are supposed to follow God and Jesus Christ and not take it upon ourselves to team up with Satan in the name of love to do good deeds. It is all in vain and the Lord will not accept it.

God’s Word is law and His Word does not change.

In the name of love some churches permit practicing sinners to teach and lead in church services. This should not be.